Thursday 29 April 2010

Modifikasi Mozilla Firefox

Berikut ini adalah modifikasi firefox yang akan dijadikan senjata hacker!

1. Free Ebook Search : untuk mencari e-book
2. Server Spy : melihat jenis server
3. Domain Finder : mencari data suatu domain
4. Who is : melihat detail situs
5. About This Site : melihat detail situs
6. Tix Now : mematikan timer rapidshare
7. Firebug : mengedit html, css, javascript di virtual hacking
8. XSS-Me : percobaan xss ke situs target
9. SQL Inject Me : percobaan SQL Injection ke situs target
10.Unhide Passwords : melihat password saat kita sniffing di LAN sendiri
11. Tab URL Copier : untuk mencopy paste URL
12. Who Are You? : Mencari data nama seseorang di internet
13. Zoom Fox : memperbesar gambar di web
14. Linkification : melihat http link target
15. XRays : melihat source code dengan tampilannya
16. Amazing Media Browser : mendownload file flash dengan cara hacking
17. Down Them All : mengambil banyak file html diserver target
18. Download Helper : mendownload video hacking
19. Spamborg : untuk pendaftaran email tanpa iklan
20. FasterFox : untuk mempercepat firefox
21. Stylish : menghack stylish di
22. Aardvark : mendelete barner saat melihat source code situs
23. Flashblock : memblock file flash
24. Flash Killer : tidak menampilkan flash agar yang terlihat tulisan saja
25. HostIP.Info.Geolocation : sorot link dan sudah terlihat alamat situs
26. Live HTTP Header : menampilkan http header
27. Fire FTP : sebagai FTP untuk upload file ke situs target
28. View Cookies : untuk melihat cookies
29. Add N Edit Cookies : untuk mengedit cookies
30. IeView : untuk melihat gambar di internet explore
31. Anonymouser : membuat diri tidak terlihat
32. User Agent Switcher : menyamar menjadi browser laen
33. YmNotifier : menyadap password yahoo
34. GMail Notifier : menyadap password gmail
35. Switch Proxy : mengganti proxy biar aman saat hacking
36. Reload Every : dapat digunakan untuk boom email target
37. Adblock Plus : untuk mengakses email dengan 3 profile
38. Hackbar : untuk mengetikkan URL yang sangat panjang
39. Calling ID Advisor : Bedah situs
40. Bandwidth Meter : untuk mengukur bandwidth kita

source :

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Sejarah Prosesor Intel

di sunting oleh Onno W. Purbo

(sumber : PC Magazine, PC World, BYTE Magazine, Windows Magazine, dan Intel's Developers Network)

Berikut adalah sedikit sejarah perkembangan prosesor Intel dan para clone-nya yang berhasil disarikan

• Debut Intel dimulai dengan processor seri MCS4 yang merupakan cikal bakal dari prosesor i4040. Processor 4 bit ini yang direncanakan untuk menjadi otak calculator , pada tahun yang sama (1971), intel membuat revisi ke i440. Awalnya dipesan oleh sebuah perusahaan Jepang untuk pembuatan kalkulator , ternyata prosesor ini jauh lebih hebat dari yang diharapkan sehingga Intel membeli hak guna dari perusahaan Jepang tersebut untuk perkembangan dan penelitian lebih lanjut. Di sinilah cikal bakal untuk perkembangan ke arah prosesor komputer.

• Berikutnya muncul processor 8 bit pertama i8008 (1972), tapi agak kurang disukai karena multivoltage.. lalu baru muncul processor i8080, disini ada perubahan yaitu jadi triple voltage, pake teknologi NMOS (tidak PMOS lagi), dan mengenalkan pertama kali sistem clock generator (pake chip tambahan), dikemas dalam bentuk DIP Array 40 pins. Kemudian muncul juga processor2 : MC6800 dari Motorola -1974, Z80 dari Zilog -1976 (merupakan dua rival berat), dan prosessor2 lain seri 6500 buatan MOST, Rockwell, Hyundai, WDC, NCR dst. Z80 full compatible dengan i8008 hanya sampai level bahasa mesin. Level bahasa rakitannya berbeda (tidak kompatibel level software). Prosesor i8080 adalah prosesor dengan register internal 8-bit, bus eksternal 8-bit, dan memori addressing 20-bit (dapat mengakses 1 MB memori total), dan modus operasi REAL.

• Thn 77 muncul 8085, clock generatornya onprocessor, cikal bakalnya penggunaan single voltage +5V (implementasi s/d 486DX2, pd DX4 mulai +3.3V dst).

• i8086, prosesor dengan register 16-bit, bus data eksternal 16-bit, dan memori addressing 20-bit. Direlease thn 78 menggunakan teknologi HMOS, komponen pendukung bus 16 bit sangat langka , sehingga harganya menjadi sangat mahal.
• Maka utk menjawab tuntutan pasar muncul i8088 16bit bus internal, 8bit bus external. Sehingga i8088 dapat memakai komponen peripheral 8bit bekas i8008. IBM memilih chip ini untuk pebuatan IBM PC karena lebih murah daripada i8086. Kalau saja CEO IBM waktu itu tidak menyatakan PC hanyalah impian sampingan belaka, tentu saja IBM akan menguasai pasar PC secara total saat ini. IBM PC first release Agustus 1981 memiliki 3 versi IBM PC, IBM PC-Jr dan IBM PC-XT (extended technology). Chip i8088 ini sangat populer, sampai NEC meluncurkan sebuah chip yang dibangun berdasarkan spesifikasi pin chip ini, yang diberi nama V20 dan V30. NEC V20 dan V30 adalah processor yang compatible dengan intel sampai level bahasa assembly (software).
Chip 8088 dan 8086 kompatibel penuh dengan program yang dibuat untuk chip 8080, walaupun mungkin ada beberapa program yang dibuat untuk 8086 tidak berfungsi pada chip 8088 (perbedaan lebar bus)
• Lalu muncul 80186 dan i80188.. sejak i80186, prosessor mulai dikemas dalam bentuk PLCC, LCC dan PGA 68 kaki.. i80186 secara fisik berbentuk bujursangkar dengan 17 kaki persisi (PLCC/LCC) atau 2 deret kaki persisi (PGA) dan mulai dari i80186 inilah chip DMA dan interrupt controller disatukan ke dalam processor. semenjak menggunakan 286, komputer IBM menggunakan istilah IBM PC-AT (Advanced Technology)dan mulai dikenal pengunaan istilah PersonalSystem (PS/1). Dan juga mulai dikenal penggunaan slot ISA 16 bit yang dikembangkan dari slot ISA 8 bit , para cloner mulai ramai bermunculan. Ada AMD, Harris & MOS yang compatible penuh dengan intel. Di 286 ini mulai dikenal penggunaan Protected Virtual Adress Mode yang memungkinkan dilakukannya multitasking secara time sharing (via hardware resetting).
Tahun 86 IBM membuat processor dengan arsitektur RISC 32bit pertama untuk kelas PC. Namun karena kelangkaan software, IBM RT PC ini "melempem" untuk kelas enterprise, RISC ini berkembang lebih pesat, setidaknya ada banyak vendor yang saling tidak kompatibel.
• Lalu untuk meraih momentum yang hilang dari chip i8086, Intel membuat i80286, prosesor dengan register 16-bit, bus eksternal 16-bit, mode protected terbatas yang dikenal dengan mode STANDARD yang menggunakan memori addressing 24-bit yang mampu mengakses maksimal 16 MB memori. Chip 80286 ini tentu saja kompatibel penuh dengan chip-chip seri 808x sebelumnya, dengan tambahan beberapa set instruksi baru. Sayangnya chip ini memiliki beberapa bug pada desain hardware-nya, sehingga gagal mengumpulkan pengikut.
• Pada tahun 1985, Intel meluncurkan desain prosesor yang sama sekali baru: i80386. Sebuah prosesor 32-bit , dalam arti memiliki register 32-bit, bus data eksternal 32-bit, dan mempertahankan kompatibilitas dengan prosesor generasi sebelumnya, dengan tambahan diperkenalkannya mode PROTECTED 32-BIT untuk memori addressing 32-bit, mampu mengakses maksimum 4 GB , dan tidak lupa tambahan beberapa instruksi baru. Chip ini mulai dikemas dalam bentuk PGA (pin Grid Array)
Prosesor Intel sampai titik ini belum menggunakan unit FPU secara
internal . Untuk dukungan FPU, Intel meluncurkan seri 80x87. Sejak 386 ini mulai muncul processor cloner : AMD, Cyrix, NGen, TI, IIT, IBM (Blue Lightning) dst, macam-macamnya :
i80386 DX (full 32 bit)
i80386 SX (murah karena 16bit external)
i80486 DX (int 487)
i80486 SX (487 disabled)
Cx486 DLC (menggunakan MB 386DX, juga yang lain)
Cx486 SLC (menggunakan MB 386SX)
i80486DX2 ODP
Cx486DLC2 (arsitektur MB 386)
Cx486SLC2 (arsitektur MB 386)
i80486DX4 ODP
Pentium ODP
• Sekitar tahun 1989 Intel meluncurkan i80486DX. Seri yang tentunya sangat populer, peningkatan seri ini terhadap seri 80386 adalah kecepatan dan dukungan FPU internal dan skema clock multiplier (seri i486DX2 dan iDX4), tanpa tambahan instruksi baru. Karena permintaan publik untuk prosesor murah, maka Intel meluncurkan seri i80486SX yang tak lain adalah prosesor i80486DX yang sirkuit FPU-nya telah disabled . Seperti yang seharusnya, seri i80486DX memiliki kompatibilitas penuh dengan set instruksi chip-chip seri sebelumnya.
• AMD dan Cyrix kemudian membeli rancangan prosesor i80386 dan i80486DX untuk membuat prosesor Intel-compatible, dan mereka terbukti sangat berhasil. Pendapat saya inilah yang disebut proses 'cloning', sama seperti cerita NEC V20 dan V30. AMD dan Cyrix tidak melakukan proses perancangan vertikal (berdasarkan sebuah chip seri sebelumnya), melainkan berdasarkan rancangan chip yang sudah ada untuk membuat chip yang sekelas.
• Tahun 1993, dan Intel meluncurkan prosesor Pentium. Peningkatannya terhadap i80486: struktur PGA yang lebih besar (kecepatan yang lebih tinggi , dan pipelining, TANPA instruksi baru. Tidak ada yang spesial dari chip ini, hanya fakta bahwa standar VLB yang dibuat untuk i80486 tidak cocok (bukan tidak kompatibel) sehingga para pembuat chipset terpaksa melakukan rancang ulang untuk mendukung PCI. Intel menggunakan istilah Pentium untuk meng"hambat" saingannya. Sejak Pentium ini para cloner mulai "rontok" tinggal AMD, Cyrix . Intel menggunakan istilah Pentium karena Intel kalah di pengadilan paten. alasannya angka tidak bisa dijadikan paten, karena itu intel mengeluarkan Pentium menggunakan TM. AMD + Cyrix tidak ingin tertinggal, mereka mengeluarkan standar Pentium Rating (PR) sebelumnya ditahun 92 intel sempat berkolaborasi degan Sun, namun gagal dan Intel sempat dituntut oleh Sun karena dituduh menjiplak rancangan Sun. Sejak Pentium, Intel telah menerapkan kemampuan Pipelining yang biasanya cuman ada diprocessor RISC (RISC spt SunSparc). Vesa Local Bus yang 32bit adalah pengembangan dari arsitektur ISA 16bit menggunakan clock yang tetap karena memiliki clock generator sendiri (biasanya >33Mhz) sedangkan arsitektur PCI adalah arsitektur baru yang kecepatan clocknya mengikuti kecepatan clock Processor (biasanya kecepatannya separuh kecepatan processor).. jadi Card VGA PCI kecepatannya relatif tidak akan sama di frekuensi MHz processor yang berbeda alias makin cepat MHz processor, makin cepat PCI-nya
• Tahun 1995, kemunculan Pentium Pro. Inovasi disatukannya cache memori ke dalam prosesor menuntut dibuatnya socket 8 . Pin-pin prosesor ini terbagi 2 grup: 1 grup untuk cache memori, dan 1 grup lagi untuk prosesornya sendiri, yang tak lebih dari pin-pin Pentium yang diubah susunannya . Desain prosesor ini memungkinkan keefisienan yang lebih tinggi saat menangani instruksi 32-bit, namun jika ada instruksi 16-bit muncul dalam siklus instruksi 32-bit, maka prosesor akan melakukan pengosongan cache sehingga proses eksekusi berjalan lambat. Cuma ada 1 instruksi yang ditambahkan: CMOV (Conditional MOVe) .
• Tahun 1996, prosesor Pentium MMX. Sebenarnya tidak lebih dari sebuah Pentium dengan unit tambahan dan set instruksi tambahan, yaitu MMX. Intel sampai sekarang masih belum memberikan definisi yang jelas mengenai istilah MMX. Multi Media eXtension adalah istilah yang digunakan AMD . Ada suatu keterbatasan desain pada chip ini: karena modul MMX hanya ditambahkan begitu saja ke dalam rancangan Pentium tanpa rancang ulang, Intel terpaksa membuat unit MMX dan FPU melakukan sharing, dalam arti saat FPU aktif MMX non-aktif, dan sebaliknya. Sehingga Pentium MMX dalam mode MMX tidak kompatibel dengan Pentium.
Bagaimana dengan AMD K5? AMD K5-PR75 sebenarnya adalah sebuah 'clone' i80486DX dengan kecepatan internal 133MHz dan clock bus 33MHz . Spesifikasi Pentium yang didapat AMD saat merancang K5 versi-versi selanjutnya dan Cyrix saat merancang 6x86 hanyalah terbatas pada spesifikasi pin-pin Pentium. Mereka tidak diberi akses ke desain aslinya. Bahkan IBM tidak mampu membuat Intel bergeming (Cyrix, mempunyai kontrak terikat dengan IBM sampai tahun 2005)
Mengenai rancangan AMD K6, tahukah anda bahwa K6 sebenarnya adalah rancangan milik NexGen ? Sewaktu Intel menyatakan membuat unit MMX, AMD mencari rancangan MMX dan menambahkannya ke K6. Sayangnya spesifikasi MMX yang didapat AMD sepertinya bukan yang digunakan Intel, sebab terbukti K6 memiliki banyak ketidakkompatibilitas instruksi MMX dengan Pentium MMX.
• Tahun 1997, Intel meluncurkan Pentium II, Pentium Pro dengan teknologi MMX yang memiliki 2 inovasi: cache memori tidak menjadi 1 dengan inti prosesor seperti Pentium Pro , namun berada di luar inti namun berfungsi dengan kecepatan processor. Inovasi inilah yang menyebabkan hilangnya kekurangan Pentium Pro (masalah pengosongan cache) Inovasi kedua, yaitu SEC (Single Edge Cartidge), Kenapa? Karena kita dapat memasang prosesor Pentium Pro di slot SEC dengan bantuan adapter khusus. Tambahan : karena cache L2 onprocessor, maka kecepatan cache = kecepatan processor, sedangkan karena PII cachenya di"luar" (menggunakan processor module), maka kecepatannya setengah dari kecepatan processor. Disebutkan juga penggunaan Slot 1 pada PII karena beberapa alasan :
Pertama, memperlebar jalur data (kaki banyak - Juga jadi alasan Socket 8), pemrosesan pada PPro dan PII dapat paralel. Karena itu sebetulnya Slot 1 lebih punya kekuatan di Multithreading / Multiple Processor. ( sayangnya O/S belum banyak mendukung, benchmark PII dual processorpun oleh ZDBench lebih banyak dilakukan via Win95 ketimbang via NT)
Kedua, memungkinkan upgrader Slot 1 tanpa memakan banyak space di Motherboard sebab bila tidak ZIF socket 9 , bisa seluas Form Factor(MB)nya sendiri konsep hemat space ini sejak 8088 juga sudah ada .Mengapa keluar juga spesifikasi SIMM di 286? beberapa diantaranya adalah efisiensi tempat dan penyederhanaan bentuk.
Ketiga, memungkinkan penggunaan cache module yang lebih efisien dan dengan speed tinggi seimbang dengan speed processor dan lagi-lagi tanpa banyak makan tempat, tidak seperti AMD / Cyrix yang "terpaksa" mendobel L1 cachenya untuk menyaingi speed PII (karena L2-nya lambat) sehingga kesimpulannya AMD K6 dan Cyrix 6x86 bukan cepat di processor melainkan cepat di hit cache! Sebab dengan spec Socket7 kecepatan L2 cache akan terbatas hanya secepat bus data / makin lambat bila bus datanya sedang sibuk, padahal PII thn depan direncanakan beroperasi pada 100MHz (bukan 66MHz lagi). Point inilah salah satu alasan kenapa intel mengganti chipset dari 430 ke 440 yang berarti juga harus mengganti Motherboard.

Sunday 25 April 2010

sekedar info

Bagi yg bandwith lebar and maw download site bagus silahkan meluncur ke:

sample :

Assassins Creed II-SKIDROW


Assassins Creed II-SKIDROW

Size : 6485 MB
Release Date: 21.03.2010
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Genre: Historic Action Adventure

source :

Monday 19 April 2010

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Sunday 18 April 2010

Safe Internet Browsing - Simple Tips to Follow

The Internet is a powerful medium that allows millions of users to chat, play games, download music, gather important information, and perform other various activities. All this has made the Internet an indispensable part of our daily lives. Although the Internet is useful, it also puts our personal and confidential information at substantial risk.

Using the Internet unwisely may make your system vulnerable to malware infections and an easy target for hackers. In this article, we will present some common Internet security tips that you can follow to safeguard your PC from Internet threats.

Do Not Open Attachments from Unsolicited Emails

Attachments that come with unsolicited emails can contain malicious programs, such as viruses, malware, and worms. These malicious programs often cause severe damage to your system. Therefore, it is best that you immediately delete any unsolicited emails you receive. You must also scan the attachments that you receive from known sources before opening them. It is recommended that you install antispam software that can automatically scan and prevent infected emails from appearing in your email program's inbox.

Do Not Use Peer-to-Peer Networks

Avoid using peer-to-peer networks because they are common carriers of malware and virus infections. Files downloaded from P2P networks are often embedded with viruses and spyware. In addition, you give permission to other Internet users, including hackers, to access files on your computer when you use P2P software.

Download Free Software from Reputable Websites

You must be careful when downloading free software available on the Internet. Freeware is often laced with malicious programs, which if given entry may cause severe damage to your PC and steal your personal information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers. Download freeware only from reputable websites that have confirmed the software is virus and malware free.

Keep your Operating System, Software, and Drivers Up-To-Date

It is important that you keep your operating system, software, and drivers updated with the latest hotfixes, patches, and security releases from the manufacturer on a regular basis. Using the most recent version of a program will remove any security vulnerability that may have been present in its previous version. As a result, your computer will be less prone to viruses and malware infections that exploit security vulnerabilities.

Use Strong Passwords

Ensure data security by using strong passwords for your online accounts and your system files. Do not use your name or birth date as a password since they are easy to crack. Instead, use a password that contains alphanumeric characters and is at least eight characters long. Also, do not store passwords on your system. If remembering all your passwords is difficult, use a password manager program to organize and manage your passwords. A good password manager program will encrypt all your passwords that it manages. In addition, never share your password with anyone else.

Install and Use a Firewall

Use a firewall to control the information that goes in and out of your system. A firewall prevents unauthorized access to your system. Make sure that you keep both incoming and outgoing firewall protection active.

Install Antivirus and Antispyware Tools

Use an antivirus and an antispyware tool to keep your system protected from malicious programs, such as viruses, worms, adware, and spyware. Configure these tools to perform regular full system scans on your computer. Also keep these tools up-to-date with the latest virus definitions and security updates to enable them to identify and protect your system from the latest threats.

Although the Internet has simplified our daily activities, it is essential that you take the necessary precautions to keep your computer safe. Following the tips in this article along with using a recommended antispyware tool will help keep your PC virus and spyware free.

Peter Herme is a computer system administrator with over 20 years of experience. After his very own PC was infected with spyware and losing years' worth of personal files, he has vowed never to let something like that happen to him or another computer user again. As a result, he tried out various antispyware programs and learned how to properly secure his computer from spyware, malware, adware, viruses, and other computer attacks. His website details his research and is constantly updated with tips on preventing and removing spyware.

He knows the feeling of having your computer infected and at risk of losing your personal data. He hopes his advice will help and educate you.

Article Source:

How to Burn an ISO Image File onto a CD Instructions


The 640H software file on our website is in the form of an ISO Image file. This single
file contains all the files required to update your 640H. It is similar to a ZIP or RAR
compressed file except that an ISO image file is specifically for CD burning.
To create your 640H CD we recommend you use one of the following programs: “Nero”
or “ISO recorder” for PC’s, and “Disc Utility” or “Toast” for Mac’s. We will now show you
how to create a CD using the above software.

Nero 6 for PC’s

1. Start “Nero Express,” via your Windows Start Button and Programs.
2. When the “Nero Express” window has appeared, select the CD recorder you
would like to use. This is done via the drop down menu found at the top right
hand corner of the Nero window.
3. Now select the “Disc Image or Saved Project” button.
4. A new window will now appear asking you to locate the ISO file that you
would like to burn to CD. Locate the file, select it and press the “Open”
5. In the window that now appears make sure the correct CD recorder is
selected and a blank CD is placed in the recorder. Select a writing speed for
the CD and leave the “Number of Copies” as 1.
6. Make sure the “Verify data on disc after burning” box is ticked. This makes
sure that the ISO image is burnt on to the CD successfully.
7. Now click the “Next” button.
8. The burning and data verification processes will now begin. Nero will
constantly show the current process it is carrying out.
9. If there are any pauses during the burning process, then please do not stop
the process as this is common. Only abort the process if the pause is more
than 5 minutes long.
10. If there are any errors during writing, Nero will display an error message. If
this occurs, make sure you have downloaded the full ISO file, and the CD is
blank. If the error reoccurs, there may be a fault with your CD recorder.
Consult professional help for more assistance.
11. The process is complete when the “Data verification completed successfully”
window appears.
12. Press OK, and then press “Next” in the next window.
13. This will then eject the CD.
Cambridge Audio November 2006
14. Take the CD out, let it cool down if it is hot, shut the CD tray and press the
“Exit” button in Nero.

Nero 7 for PC’s

1. Start “Nero Express,” by clicking on the “Start” button, select “Programs”, go to
“Nero 7” and select “Nero Express” via the “Data” folder.
2. When Nero 7 has loaded, select the “Image,Project,Copy” button on the left hand
side menu.
3. Select “Disc Image or Saved Project” on the right hand side menu that now
4. A new window will now appear asking you to locate the ISO file that you would
like to burn to CD. Locate the file, select it and press the “Open” button.
5. In the window that now appears make sure the correct CD recorder is selected
and a blank CD is placed in the recorder. Select a writing speed for the CD and
leave the “Number of Copies” as 1.
6. Make sure the “Verify data on disc after burning” box is ticked. This makes sure
that the ISO image is burnt on to the CD successfully.
7. Now click the “Next” button.
8. The burning and data verification processes will now begin. Nero will constantly
show the current process it is carrying out.
9. If there are any pauses during the burning process, then please do not stop the
process as this is common. Only abort the process if the pause is more than 5
minutes long.
10. If there are any errors during writing, Nero will display an error message. If this
occurs, make sure you have downloaded the full ISO file, and the CD is blank. If
the error reoccurs, there may be a fault with your CD recorder. Consult
professional help for more assistance.
11. The process is complete when the “Data verification completed successfully”
window appears.
12. Press OK, and then press “Next” in the next window.
13. This will then eject the CD.
14. Take the CD out, let it cool down if it is hot, shut the CD tray and press the “Exit”
button in Nero.
ISO Recorder for PC’s
This software can be found at:
Please make sure you download and install the correct version of “ISO recorder” for the
correct version of Operating System on your computer. When you have installed “ISO
recorder,” to burn a CD carry out the following:
1. Place a blank CD into the CD recorder you wish to use to burn the 640H
software on.
2. Locate the ISO file you wish to burn onto CD on your computer.
3. Right click the file and at the top of the menu there is a button called “Copy
image to CD.” Select this option and it will load the ISO recorder software.
Cambridge Audio November 2006
4. Under the “Recorder” section of the ISO recorder software, select the CD
recorder with the blank CD in via the drop down menu.
5. Press the “Next” button and the burning process will begin.
6. If there are any pauses during the burning process, then please do not stop
the process as this is common. Only abort the process if the pause is more
than 5 minutes long.
7. If there are any errors during writing, ISO recorder will display an error
message. If this occurs, make sure you have downloaded the full ISO file,
and the CD is blank. If the error reoccurs, there may be a fault with your CD
recorder. Consult professional help for more assistance.
8. When the process has finished, the CD will eject and the ISO recorder
software window will display “Operation has been completed. Click “Finish”
to exit “ISO Recorder.” Take the CD out of the tray, close the tray and click
the “Finish” button on the window. Let the CD cool down before use.
9. Close the software.
Disc Utility for Mac’s
Mac OS10 comes with a CD burning utility called “Disc Utility.” This software can also
be used to burn ISO image files. To burn an ISO file onto CD, please carry out the
1. Load the “Disc Utility” software which can be found in the applications folder.
2. Drag the ISO file into the “Disc Image Window” which is located on the left
hand side of the window.
3. Select the ISO file so that it is highlighted.
4. Make sure a blank disc is inserted into your Mac CD burner.
5. Click on the “Burn” icon and then press OK.
6. If there are any pauses during the burning process, then please do not stop
the process as this is common. Only abort the process if the pause is more
than 5 minutes long.
7. If there are any errors during writing, Disc Utility will display an error
message. If this occurs, make sure you have downloaded the full ISO file,
and the CD is blank. If the error reoccurs, there may be a fault with your CD
recorder. Consult professional help for more assistance.
8. When the process is finished, click OK and take out the CD from the CD tray.
Let the CD cool down before use.
9. Close the CD tray.
10. Close the software.
Cambridge Audio November 2006
Toast for Mac’s
“Toast” is an alternative commercial software that can be used to burn ISO files to CD.
To burn an ISO to CD, please do the following:
1. Drag the ISO file over the Toast icon either on the dock or in the applications
2. This will then load up “Toast” automatically with the ISO selected ready to be
3. Make sure a blank CD is in your CD burner.
4. Press the big red button located in the bottom right hand corner of the “Toast”
window to begin the CD burning process.
5. If there are any pauses during the burning process, then please do not stop
the process as this is common. Only abort the process if the pause is more
than 5 minutes long.
6. If there are any errors during writing, Disc Utility will display an error
message. If this occurs, make sure you have downloaded the full ISO file,
and the CD is blank. If the error reoccurs, there may be a fault with your CD
recorder. Consult professional help for more assistance.
7. When the process is complete, take the CD out of the tray and close the tray.
Let the CD cool down before use.
8. Close the software.
The burning process is now complete.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Cara Sederhana Sekuriti XP

Apa yang telah anda lakukan untuk menjaga Sistem Operasi Windows XP tetap aman dari serangan Virus?
Memasang antivirus? Atau update Antivirus-kah?
Benar, cara-cara tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mempertahankan kestabilan sistem operasi Windows kita. Namun keteledoran dalam mengaupdate antivirus dapat mengakibatkan rapuhnya keamanan komputer kita, sehingga lemah dalam menahan serangan virus. Hal ini dapat berakibat pada kerusakan total Sistem operasi, yang pada akhirnya diperbaiki dengan “install Ulang Sistem Operasi”.

Sangat membosankan memang, jika jalan satu-satunya adalah install ulang. Selain memakan waktu yang lama, proses install ulang juga sangat membosankan. Mengapa demikian? Kerena kita wajib menginstall kembali setiap software yang diperlukan. Baik sofware Utiliti, Design, Multimedia, Dokumen, dan lain sebagainya.

Nah pada kesempatan ini akan dijelaskan beberapa langkah sederhana yang lumrah dan digunakan sebagaian orang dalam melakukan proteksi OS-nya. Cara-cara ini mungkin belum biasa bagi orang yang belum mengetahuinya. Namun apa salahnya mencoba, dan sangat mungkin membantu pertahanan komputer anda. Adapun cara-cara tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.

1.Matikan fungsi “Autorun dan Autoplay”.
Cara mematikan autorun dan autoplay yang saya tahu dapat dilakukan dengancara menggunakan REGEDIT untuk autorun. Dan menggunakan GPEDIT untuk Autoplay. Fungsi kedua opsi ini sama namun cara aktifasinya berbeda.

a.Melalui regedit.
Buka regedit melalui: Klik start > Run > tuliskan “regedit” pada box > klik ok.
Ikuti string berikut :
Klik ganda NoDriveTypeAutoRun dan masukkan angka 95 pada Value Data.(defaultnya 91)
b. Melalui gpedit.
Buka gpedit melalui: Klik start > Run > tuliskan “gpedit.msc” pada box > klik ok.
Ikuti string berikut ini :
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System
Klik double Turn Off Autoplay dan klik enabled.

2.Aktifkan fungsi disabled Copy Paste melalui USB.
Aktifkan fungsi copy paste USB jika diperlukan saja. Konfigurasi ini dapat dilakukan melalui regedit dengan menggunakan string berikut ini.
a. Klik Start > Run > tuliskan “regedit” > klik ok.
Klik HKEY_LOCALMACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control
b. Klik kanan pada Control pilih New>Key, beri nama “StorageDevicePolicies“.
c. Klik kanan pada StorageDevicePolicies, pilih New > DWord Value beri nama “WriteProtect“.
d. Klik double pada WriteProtect tersebut, dan ganti value datanya menjadi 1.
e. Kemudian Restart Komputer/Laptop Anda.
Jika berhasil, setiap kali mengcopy paste file, maka akan muncul komentar : Error Copying File or Folder.
Jika ingin mengembalikan ke kondisi semula, ganti value datanya menjadi 0.

3.Update Antivirus.
Update antivirus ini dimaksudkan untuk memperbaharui database virus-virus baru yang belum teridentifikasi oleh antivirus yang kita gunakan. Sehingga setelah diupdate, antivirus dapat mengenali virus tersebut. Update antivirus dapat dilakukan dengan mendownload file update melalui situs produsen antivirus yang kita gunakan. Dapat juga dilakukan dengan automatic update ketika komputer kita terhubung ke internet.

4.Scan Flash Disk.
Scanlah setiap flash disk yang terhubung ke komputer. Buka file-file flash disk setelah proses scan selesai dan dinyatakan bersih atau virus yang bercokol di dalam flash disk telah terhapus atau diperbaiki.

5.Kenali File Application yang dianggap aneh.
Tindakan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan agar file application tersebut tidak kita jalankan. Karena proses penyebaran Virus dilakukan melalui file-file jenis ini. Infeksi dapat terjadi setelah file-file tersebut dijalankan. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika antivirus anda tidak mengenali virus dengan jenis tertentu. Bisa jadi karena belum meng-Update antivirus. Maka perhatikanlah poin ini.

6.Hindari kebiasaan menyimpan file di Drive tempat Sistem Operasi di installkan. Biasanya drive yang digunakan adalah C: . Maka simpanlah file dan data yang penting diluar drive ini, seperti D: atau E: jika ada. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menhindari kemungkinan terburuk jika Komputer perlu diinstall Ulang. Sehingga tidak merepotkan dalam membackup data-data yang terdapat di Drive tempat OS (sistem Operasi) bercokol.

7.Lakukanlah Backup sistem operasi dengan menggunakan applikasi sejenis Ghost. Hal ini sangat membantu anda dalam menghindari install ulang Sistem Operasi. Sebenarnya Penggunaan Ghost sama dengan install ulang komputer, tetapi lebih cepat dan simpel karena memungkinkan anda untuk membackup Aplikasi-aplikasi yang di installkan, sehingga tidak perlu diinstall kembali. Backup ini dilakukan setelah install ulang dan instalasi beberapa aplikasi yang anda anggap penting, seperti Antivirus, Ms Word dsg.

8.Buat System Restore pada Komputer anda.
Tindakan ini lebih simpel dibandingakan dengan membackup Sistem Operasi. Restore Point digunakan untuk mengembalikan kembali bentuk Windows saat kita membuat Restore poin terakhir. Caranya adalah :
a.Setelah proses install Ulang Sistem operasi, bikin sebuah restore point. Dengan cara: Klik Start > All Program > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore
b.Klik Create a Restore Poin, dan klik Next.
c.Bikin nama restore Point. Dan Klik Create.
Hal ini menandakan anda membuat sebuah Restore Poin dan sewaktu-waktu anda bisa mengembalikan Keadaan Sistem Operasi anda ke bentuk ketika Restore Point di buat. Ingat! Ini hanya berlaku untuk Sistem. Tidak berpengaruh dalam proses penyimpanan data.
Demikialah sedikit cara yang pernah saya lakukan dalam meningkatkan keamanan komputer saya. Semoga cara tersebut dapat membantu pemaca. Jika ada kesalahan, mungkin dapat diperbaiki dengan mengirimkan komentarnya. Dan bahkan tidak tertutup kemungkinan dalam menambahkan sesuatu yang baru dan lebih bermanfaat. Well, terimakasih sudah membaca. Wassalam.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

List Of MS-DOS commands

ANSI.SYS Defines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and reassign keys.

APPEND Causes MS-DOS to look in other directories when editing a file or running a command.

ARP Displays, adds, and removes arp information from important]devices[.

ASSIGN Assign a drive letter to an alternate letter.

ASSOC View the file associations.

AT Schedule a time to execute commands or programs.

ATMADM Lists connections and addresses seen by Windows ATM call manager.

ATTRIB Display and change file attributes.

BATCH Recovery console command that executes a series of commands in a file.

BOOTCFG Recovery console command that allows a user to view, modify, and rebuild the boot.ini

BREAK Enable / disable CTRL + C feature.

CACLS View and modify file ACL's.

CALL Calls a batch file from another batch file.

CD Changes directories.

CHCP Supplement the International keyboard and character set information.

CHDIR Changes directories.

CHKDSK Check the important harddisk
running FAT for errors.

CHKNTFS Check the hard disk drive running NTFS for errors.

CHOICE Specify a listing of multiple options within a batch file.

Clears the screen.

CMD Opens the command interpreter.

COLOR Easily change the foreground and background color of the MS-DOS window.

COMMAND Opens the command interpreter.

COMP Compares files.

COMPACT Compresses and uncompress files.

CONTROL Open control panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt.


COPY Copy one or more files to an alternate location.

CTTY Change the computers input/output devices.

DATE View or change the systems date.

DEBUG Debug utility to create assembly programs to modify hardware settings.

DEFRAG Re-arrange the hard disk drive to help with loading programs.

DEL Deletes one or more files.

DELETE Recovery console command that deletes a file.

DELTREE Deletes one or more files and/or directories.

DIR List the contents of one or more directory.

ABLE Recovery console command that disables Windows system services or drivers.

DISKCOMP Compare a disk with another disk.

DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one disk and place them on another disk.

DOSKEY Command to view and execute commands that have been run in the past.

A GUI to help with early MS-DOS users.

DRIVPARM Enables overwrite of original

ECHO Displays messages and enables and disables echo.

EDIT View and edit files.

EDLIN View and edit files.

EMM386 Load extended Memory Manager.

ENABLE Recovery console command to enable a disable service or driver.

ENDLOCAL Stops the localization of the environment changes enabled by the setlocal command.

ERASE Erase files from computer.

EXIT Exit from the command interpreter.

EXPAND Expand a file back to it's original format.

EXTRACT Extract files from the Microsoft Windows cabinets.

FASTHELP Displays a listing of MS-DOS commands and information about them.

FC Compare files.

FDISK Utility used to create partitions on the hard disk drive.

FIND Search for text within a file.

FINDSTR Searches for a string of text within a file.

FIXBOOT Writes a new boot sector.

FIXMBR Writes a new boot record to drive

FOR Boolean used in batch files.

FORMAT Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.

FTP Command to connect and operate on a server.

FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.

GOTO Moves a batch file to a specific label or location.

GRAFTABL Show extended characters in graphics mode.

HELP Display a listing of commands and brief explanation. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

IF Allows for batch files to perform conditional processing.

IFSHLP.SYS 32-bit file manager.

Network command to view network adapter settings and assigned values.

KEYB Change layout of keyboard.

LABEL Change the label of a disk drive.

LH Load a device driver in to high memory.

LISTSVC Recovery console command that displays the services and drivers.

LOADFIX Load a program above the first 64k.

LOADHIGH Load a device driver in to high memory.

LOCK Lock the hard disk drive.

LOGON Recovery console command to list installations and enable administrator login.

MAP Displays the device name of a drive.

MD Command to create a new directory.

MEM Display memory on system.

MKDIR Command to create a new directory.

MODE Modify the port or display settings.

MORE Display one page at a time.

Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.

MSAV Early Microsoft Virus scanner.

MSD Diagnostics utility.

MSCDEX Utility used to load and provide access to the CD-ROM.

NBTSTAT Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT

NET Update, fix, or view the network or network settings

NETSH Configure dynamic and static network information from MS-DOS.

NETSTAT Display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information.

NLSFUNC Load country specific information.

NSLOOKUP Look up an IP address of a domain or host on a network.

PATH View and modify the computers path location.

PATHPING View and locate locations of network latency.

PAUSE Command used in batch files to stop the processing of a command.

PING Test / send information to another network computer or network device.

POPD Changes to the directory or network path stored by the pushd command.

POWER Conserve power with computer portables.

PRINT Prints data to a printer port.

View and change the MS-DOS prompt.

PUSHD Stores a directory or network path in memory so it can be returned to at any time.

QBASIC Open the QBasic.

RD Removes an empty directory.

RECOVER Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk.

REM Records comments (remarks) in batch files or CONFIG.SYS.

REN Renames a file or directory.

RENAME Renames a file or directory.

REPLACE Replaces files.

RMDIR Removes an empty directory.

ROUTE View and configure windows network route tables.

RUNAS Enables a user to execute a program on another computer.

SCANDISK Run the scandisk utility.

SCANREG Scan registry and recover registry from errors.

SET Change one variable or string to another.

SETLOCAL Enables local environments to be changed without affecting anything else.

SETVER Change MS-DOS version to trick older MS-DOS programs.

SHARE Installs support for file sharing and locking capabilities.

SHIFT Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch program.

Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompt.

SMARTDRV Create a disk cache in conventional memory or extended memory.

SORT Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.

START Start a separate window in Windows from the MS-DOS prompt.

SUBST Substitute a folder on your computer for another drive letter.

SWITCHES Remove add functions from MS-DOS.

SYS Transfer system files to disk drive.

TELNET Telnet to another computer / device from the prompt.

TIME View or modify the system time.

TITLE Change the title of their MS-DOS window.

Ten Reasons Why We Blog in English

There are at least top ten reasons on why an Indonesian blogger should blog in English. If you run a Bahasa Indonesia blog, like I do, you should have an English speaking blog as well. Here’s why:

1. My English writing skill is not good. I’d like to improve it by writing regularly in a medium where editorial barrier does not exist.

2. English is undoubtedly understood –though not necessarily spoken or written–by many, if not by most, influential people in the world. Hence larger audience, more visibility and influence of some sort.

3. Most internet-literate Indonesians understand English. Using English in my blog, therefore, does not hinder Indonesian readers to appreciate what I’d intend to convey to them, my primary audience.

4. Indonesian voices very much under-represented in the outside world simply because hardly any books, academic publication and conventional media are written in English. Indonesia — a country with more than 200 million population– has only one English newspaper, the Jakarta Post, and none of existing Indonesian magazines are in English. And hardly any best seller Indonesian books written by prominent intellectuals are written in or translated into English.

5. Among 10 percent of Indonesian internet users, only about 0.4 percent of them are blogging which means if you blog in Bahasa Indonesia you have to be satisfied with that of 0.4 percent readers who does not necessarily read your blog. Less potential readers will lead to less blogging courages.

6. It gives non-Indonesian a chance to know you and Indonesia: the mindset, culture, faith, etc. And it gives you more chance to interact with them. Hence, more understanding of multi-polar world and broaden your vista and horizon of thinking.

7. Depending on your blogging influence, but at the least it’ll give you more self-esteem by making more friends from various cultures accross the continents.

8. There are many people outthere with good intention to make an interfaith and intercultural dialogue; every now and then they need a person from particular country, say Indonesia, to talk to. Let them know that you are the person they want.

9. If your blog content is good, the possibility of being published and then reviewed by prominent international book reviewer is not far away.

10. Blogging in English, like blogging in any other languages including Bahasa Indonesia, is basically history in the making. The difference is by blogging in English you are making history in front of many faces and backgrounds from many countries and therefore it adds more to your credibility.


Tuesday 13 April 2010

good tutorial bikin menu blog




Blog adalah singkatan dari Weblog. Orang pertama yang memperkenalkan blog adalah Jorn Barger di tahun 1997 pada bulan Desember.Blog bisa dianggap sebagai halaman web pribadi. Ia bisa dijadikan sebagai catatan harian pribadi, majalah pribadi, rumah pribadi, kedai pribadi dan buku pribadi. Kita bisa menuliskan apa saja di dalam blog tersebut.Jika anda ingin menuliskan isi hati anda dan ingin diketahui oleh umum, maka blog ini adalah salah satu jalan keluar. Anda juga bisa mengajar orang banyak dengan menggunakan blog. Jadi amatlah banyak fungsi blog ini mengikut keinginan penulisnya.Seperti sekarang ini, saya gunakan blog ini untuk mengajar anda cara membuat blog. Dan bagusnya blog ini adalah gratis.Anda bisa gunakan blog sebagai toko anda. Dengan itu anda bisa mengiklankan barang-barang yang ingin anda jual atau apa-apa produk yang anda pasarkan.Karena saya juga sedang belajar dalam membuat blog ini, maka saya akan mengajar anda dasar-dasar membuat blog yang saya ketahui. Anda beruntung karena menemukan blog ini yang akan mengajar anda langkah demi langkah dari awal.Ikutilah langkah-langkah dengan sabar dengan banyak latihan. Tentunya pada tahap permulaan anda belajar membuat blog ini, anda akan mengalami banyak kesalahan. Tetapi hal itu biasa dan jangan takut kerana setiap kesalahan dapat anda perbaiki dan edit di kemudian hari.


Pertama-tama anda perlu membuka situs : . Setelah itu klik pada perkataan CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW.
Jika paparan baru sudah muncul, maka anda isikan sahaja apa yang di dalam kotak-kotak:
email address sehingga word verification.
Jika sudah terisi semua, anda tinggal mengklik CONTINUE.


Setelah mengklik CONTINUE maka akan muncullah paparan seperti di sebelah. Anda namakan blog anda. Seperti blog ini, saya beri nama CARA BUAT BLOG. Anda boleh menamakan apa sahaja mengikut selera anda.
Di bawahnya anda tuliskan alamat blog anda. Seperti blog saya ini, alamatnya : Nah anda bisa menamakan apa sahaja alamat blog anda, dengan syarat belum ada orang lain yang membuat lebih awal nama yang sama dengan alamat yang anda tuliskan. Jadi ulangilah lagi sehingga nama itu diterima. Jika diterima maka akan diberi tanda "available".
Kemudian tuliskan huruf yang ada pada word verification, dan klik CONTINUE


Setelah mengklik CONTINUE maka akan muncullah paparan seperti di sebelah. Anda membuka akaun dulu yaitu dengan mengisikan email anda, dan ulangi sekali lagi. Kemudian buatlah password anda dan isikan semula password anda sekali lagi.Anda tidak boleh lupa email dan password anda ini, karena diperlukan sekali ketika anda ingin mengisi tulisan pada blog anda atau mengedit dan menambah apa-apa dalam blog anda.Kemudian tuliskan huruf yang ada pada word verification, dan klik CONTINUE.


Langkah selanjutnya anda perlu memilih salah satu tamplate yang akan digunakan oleh blog anda. Anda bisa memilih warna dan model yang anda sukai.Setelah anda pilih salah satu, maka anda lanjutkan dengan mengklik CONTINUE.Anda tidak perlu risau tentang tamplate ini karena jika anda kurang cocok dengan pilihan anda tadi, maka anda bisa mengganti tamplate lain pada setiap saat anda kehendaki.Bahkan banyak situs-situs yang memberikan tamplate gratis selain yang ada di dalam situs blogger ini.


Langkah ketiga tadi adalah langkah terakhir dalam pembuatan blog secara dasar. Setelah anda mengklik CONTINUE pada langkah ketiga, maka muncullah paparan seperti pada gambar sebelah. Dengan itu anda telah berhasil membuat blog anda. Selanjutnya anda bisa menuliskan apa sahaja pada blog anda. Selamat dan semoga berhasil membuat blog SPEKTAKULER.....
ucapan trimakasih tak terhingga untuk bapak MUHAMMAD MASRUH BIN AHMAD..alkhamdulillah akhirnya bisa ku edit pak...salam juga untuk sahabatku BODONK di mqd area..STORM ZONE



A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.

A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people.

People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems, most notably Blogger at Thousands of people use services such as Blogger to simplify and accelerate the publishing process.
Blogs are alternatively called web logs or weblogs. However, "blog" seems less likely to cause confusion, as "web log" can also mean a server's log file

Cara Menampilkan Iklan Adsense di Blog

Mungkin para blogger pemula masih banyak yang bingung tentang cara memasang iklan Google di Blog. Artikel ini jawaban dari Blog indie, semoga bisa membantu.

Berikut panduannya:

  • kunjungi situs
  • pilih bahasa Indonesia
  • Sign Up
  • Isi Formulir yang di sediakan oleh Iklan Google
  • Buka kembali Email Anda untuk mengaktifkan iklan google.
  • selesai

Saat ini informasi yang Anda minta tidak tersedia dalam bahasa Anda, namun Anda dapat memilih dari daftar di bawah untuk melihat topik bantuan dalam bahasa lain:

Usahakan artikel yang ada di Blog Anda haruslah berbahasa English sebab iklan Google tidak menyediakan iklan berbahsa indonesia kecuali penayang lama. Jika Anda tidak bisa menulis artikel yang berbahasa english, cari saja artikel tersebut (english) kemudian pakai jurus copy paste dengan ijin terlebih dahulu ke penulisnya.

jika masih bingung untuk sign up berikut copyannya dari google adsense:

Bagaimana cara sign up?

Untuk memulai AdSense, ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

  1. Jika Anda tidak memiliki situs Web, Anda dapat membuatnya menggunakan Blogger atau Google Page Creator (hanya dalam bahasa Inggris).
  2. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang kepatuhan situs Anda terhadap kebijakan program dan tips keberhasilan aplikasi kami.
  3. Selesaikan aplikasi.
  4. Bila Anda menerima email dari kami, kirimkan aplikasi Anda agar dapat diperiksa dengan mengklik link untuk memverifikasi alamat email Anda. Jika Anda tidak menerima pesan verifikasi email, klik di sini.
  5. Tunggu untuk menerima email tentang status aplikasi Anda.

Demo dan Panduan


Pelajari tentang persiapan Google AdSense. Tutorial tertulis dan multimedia berikut akan menjelaskan dasar-dasar tentang cara membuat dan mengaktifkan account AdSense.

  • Generating Ad Code Video

  • Managing Ads Video

  • Panduan Ringkas
    Panduan tertulis yang menjelaskan dasar-dasar tentang persiapan dan menjalankan account dengan cepat. Topiknya mencakup cara sign in ke account, mendapatkan kode iklan, dan tips menerapkan kode iklan.

  • Demo Pengaktifan (hanya dalam bahasa Inggris, diperlukan Macromedia Flash)
    Pelajari cara dan tempat untuk menyisipkan kode iklan serta menayangkan iklan Anda di Web. Lihat menggunakan editor Web Anda atau sign up ke halaman Blogger atau Google Page Creator gratis agar dapat memulai penayangan iklan dalam hitungan menit.

  • Bantuan untuk Demo Kode Iklan (hanya dalam bahasa Inggris, diperlukan Macromedia Flash)
    Memandu Anda langkah demi langkah untuk menambahkan kode iklan ke situs, termasuk cara menggunakan 2 jenis editor HTML umum untuk menerapkan kode. Pelajari juga cara mengatasi masalah dasar kode iklan yang mungkin Anda alami.


Pelajari sistem pembayaran kami dan temukan jawaban atas berbagai pertanyaan umum tentang pembayaran dalam sumber info sebagai berikut.

  • Pembayaran
    Ketahui cara kerja sistem pembayaran kami. Mencakup informasi tentang waktu pembayaran, performa account, dan cara menetapkan penangguhan pembayaran.

  • Pengenalan tentang Demo Pembayaran (tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris, Perancis, Jerman, Italia, Polandia, dan Spanyol; diperlukan Macromedia Flash)
    Pelajari tentang pilihan pembayaran yang tersedia dan siklus pembayaran AdSense, mulai dari klik iklan hingga penghasilan dalam account Anda! Setelah melihat demo, luangkan waktu selama 2 menit untuk mengikuti Survei pembayaran agar Anda dapat memberikan tanggapan.

  • Demo Jadwal Pembayaran (hanya dalam bahasa Inggris, diperlukan Macromedia Flash): ketahui waktu pemrosesan, pengiriman, dan penerimaan pembayaran dalam account atau rekening bank Anda. Juga menjelaskan proses pembayaran kembali untuk penghasilan yang telah dikembalikan ke account Anda.

Panduan Mengatasi Masalah

Gunakan tutorial bantuan otomatis berikut untuk mengatasi masalah umum yang dialami oleh penayang baru yang telah menerapkan kode iklan atau penyaring iklan bersaing.

  • Mengatasi Masalah Iklan dan Pencarian
    Cara mengatasi masalah ini dapat membantu Anda jika iklan atau kotak pencarian tidak ditampilkan di situs Anda dan jika situs menampilkan iklan yang tidak relevan atau ILM (iklan layanan masyarakat). Melalui serangkaian pertanyaan singkat dengan jawaban ya atau tidak, kami akan mengidentifikasi masalah dan membantu Anda mengatasinya.

Fitur dan Pengoptimalan Lanjutan

Pelajari tips bermanfaat untuk mengoptimalkan performa iklan Google Anda dan informasi rinci tentang beberapa fitur lanjutan lainnya dengan melihat tutorial tertulis dan multimedia berikut.

  • Demo Pengoptimalan (hanya dalam bahasa Inggris, diperlukan Macromedia Flash)
    Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang ukuran dan penempatan iklan yang dapat membantu memaksimalkan penghasilan AdSense Anda. Demo ini juga mencakup saluran dan membahas 3 penayang AdSense yang berhasil beserta metode mereka.

  • Kisah Sukses
    Baca tentang beberapa penayang kami yang paling berhasil dan ketahui cara mereka memanfaatkan Google AdSense untuk mengembangkan situs dan bisnis mereka.

  • Tips Pengoptimalan
    Tips untuk memaksimalkan penghasilan Anda dengan mengoptimalkan performa iklan Google.

  • Penyaring Iklan Bersaing
    Informasi tentang cara mencegah penayangan iklan tertentu di situs Web Anda. Mencakup cara mengkonfigurasi penyaring iklan bersaing, menggunakan perangkat pratinjau, dan tips untuk memblokir URL pesaing secara efektif.

  • Iklan Pengganti
    Pelajari cara paling efektif untuk memanfaatkan ruang iklan Anda. Mencakup cara menetapkan warna, gambar, halaman HTML atau menutup unit iklan yang akan ditampilkan bila iklan Google tidak tersedia.

  • Mengoptimalkan dengan Saluran
    Memandu Anda menjalani proses pembuatan URL dan saluran kustom, serta menjelaskan cara terbaik untuk menggunakan saluran dalam melacak dan mengoptimalkan performa iklan pada halaman Anda.

Panduan Ringkas

Setelah aplikasi AdSense disetujui, Anda dapat mengikuti panduan ini untuk segera mempersiapkan AdSense. Langkah-langkah di bawah ini akan membantu Anda menambahkan unit iklan AdSense ke situs Anda.

1. Sign in ke account Anda, lalu pilih tab Konfigurasi AdSense. Pada halaman Dapatkan Iklan, klik link AdSense untuk Konten agar dapat membuat unit iklan Google standar.

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TRACING AN IP (Internet Protocol)

Welcome to another hackersclub tutorial.
In here I have figure out some very easy but cool ways to trace out the geographical
location and various other infos like ISP details etc of a remote computer using its IP.
Well I guess its one of the most important must learn manul for boys out there if you
want to impress your friends particularly gals whom you’ll meet online in a chat room
and tell them their geographical locations and ISP details and make them surprised and
impressed .
In the practical execution of this manual you don’t have to work much as it is very
simple only you have to use your brain to understand some symbols and some format of
expressions and use your IQ to execute things the right way.
What is IP and how to get the IP of a remote system::
Getting the IP or Internet Protocol of a remote system is the most important and the
first step of hacking into it. Probably it is the first thing a hacker do to get info for
researching on a system. Well IP is a unique number assigned to each computer on a
network. It is this unique address which represents the system on the network.
Generally the IP of a particular system changes each time you log on to the network by
dialing to your ISP and it is assigned to you by your ISP. IP of a system which is always
on the network remains generally the same. Generally those kind of systems are most
likely to suffer a hacking attack because of its stable IP. Using IP you can even execute
system commands on the victim’s computer.
Lets take the example of the following IP address: Now the first part,
the numbers before the first decimal i.e. 209 is the Network number or the Network
Prefix.. This means that it identifies the number of the network in which the host is. The
second part i.e. 144 is the Host Number that is it identifies the number of the host within
the Network. This means that in the same Network, the network number is same. In
order to provide flexibility in the size of the Network, here are different classes of IP
Address Class Dotted Decimal Notation Ranges
Class A ( /8 Prefixes) through
Class B ( /16 Prefixes) through
Class C ( /24 Prefixes) through
The various classes will be clearer after reading the next few lines.
Each Class A Network Address contains a 8 bit Network Prefix followed by a 24-bit host
number. They are considered to be primitive. They are referred to as "/8''s" or just "8's"
as they have an 8-bit Network prefix.
In a Class B Network Address there is a 16 bit Network Prefix followed by a 16-bit Host
number. It is referred to as "16's".
A class C Network address contains a 24-bit Network Prefix and a 8 bit Host number. It is
referred to as
"24's" and is commonly used by most ISP's.
Due to the growing size of the Internet the Network Administrators faced many
problems. The Internet routing tables were beginning to grow and now the
administrators had to request another network number from the Internet before a new
network could be installed at their site. This is where sub-netting came in.
Now if your ISP is a big one and if it provides you with dynamic IP addresses then you
will most probably see that whenever you log on to the net, your IP address will have the
same first 24 bits and only the last 8 bits will keep changing. This is due to the fact that
when sub-netting comes in then the IP Addresses structure becomes:
where the first 2 parts are Network Prefix numbers and the zzz is the Subnet number
and the yyy is the host number. So you are always connected to the same Subnet within
the same Network. As a result the first 3 parts will remain the same and only the last
part i.e. yyy is variable.
For Example, if say an ISP xyz is given the IP: 203.98.12.xx Network address then you
can be awarded any IP, whose first three fields are 203.98.12. Get it?
So, basically this means that each ISP has a particular range in which to allocate all its
subscribers. Or in other words, all subscribers or all people connected to the internet
using the same ISP, will have to be in this range. This in effect would mean that all
people using the same ISP are likely to have the same first three fields of their IP
This means that if you have done a lot of (By this I really mean a lot) of research, then
you could figure out which ISP a person is using by simply looking at his IP. The ISP
name could then be used to figure out the city and the country of the person. Right? Let
me take an example to stress as to how cumbersome but easy (once the research is
done) the above method can be.
In my country, say there are three main ISP’s:
ISP Name Network Address Allotted
ISP I 203.94.47.xx
ISP II 202.92.12.xx
ISP III 203.91.35.xx
Now, if I get to know the IP of an e-pal of mine, and it reads:, then I can
pretty easily figure out that he uses ISP III to connect to the internet. Right? You might
say that any idiot would be able to do this. Well, yes and no. You see, the above method
of finding out the ISP of a person was successful only because we already had the ISP
and Network Address Allotted list with us. So, what my point is, that the above method
can be successful only after a lot of research and experimentation. And, I do think such
research can be helpful sometimes.
Also, this would not work, if you take it all on in larger scale. What if the IP that you
have belongs to someone living in a remote igloo in the North Pole? You could not
possibly get the Network Addresses of all the ISP’s in the world, could you? If yes please
send it to me .
Well now I guess you have pretty good knowledge about what an IP is and what you can
do by knowing the IP of a remote system. Now lets come to the point of finding out the
IP of remote system.
Well you can easily figure out the IP of a remote system using the netstat utility available
in the microsoft’s version of DOS. The netstat command shows the connections in which
your system is engaged to and the ports they are using. Suppose you are checking your
mail in hotmail and you want to find out the IP of msn. All you need to do is to open a
dos window ( and type netstat. You will see all the open connections of
your system. There you will see something :
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP abhisek:1031 64.4.xx.xx:80 ESTABLISHED
Now you got the IP address of hotmail ass 64.4.xx.xx .
Similarly you can figure out the IP address of most http or ftp connections.
To know your own IP type the following command in a dos windows
C:\netstat –n
[this commands converts the IP name into IP addresses]
this is what you will probably see on typing the above command :
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP 203.xx.251.161:1031 ESTABLISHED
TCP 203.xx.251.161:1043 FIN_WAIT_2
TCP 203.xx.251.161:1053 TIME_WAIT
TCP 203.xx.251.161:1058 TIME_WAIT
TCP 203.xx.251.161:1069 TIME_WAIT
TCP 203.xx.251.161:1071 ESTABLISHED
TCP 203.xx.251.161:1078 TIME_WAIT
Here 203.xx.251.161 is your IP address.
Now lets clarify the format used by netstat :
Proto : It shows the type of protocol the connection with the remote system is using.
Here TCP (transmission control protocol) is the protocol used by my system to connect to
other systems.
Local Address : It shows the local address ie the local IP. When the netstat command is
executed without –n switch then the name of the local system is displayed and when the
netstat is executed with –n switch then the IP of the local system is displayed. Here you
can also find out the port used by the connection.
in this format you will see the local address. Here 1024 is the port to which the remote
system is connected in your system
Foreign Address :: It shows the IP address of the remote system to which your system
is connected. In this case also if the netstat command is excuted with –n switch then you
directly get the IP of the victim but if the netstat is executed without –n switch then you
will get the address of the remote system. Something like
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP abhisek:1031 ESTABLISHED
Here is the address of the foreign system . putting this address in any IP
lookup program and doing a whois lookup will reveal the IP of the remote system.
Note: The port to which your system is connected can be found from this in the same
way as I have shown in the case of local address. The difference is that, this is the port
of the remote system to which your computer is connected to.
Below I have produced a list of ports and popular services generally found to be running.
21 :: FTP port
80 :: http port
23 :: Telnet port
Note: If your execute the netstat command and find ports like 12345,27374 are open
and are in use then make it sure that your sweat heart computer is infected with her
boyfriend..     I mean your computer is infected with some sort of Trojan.
Below I have produced a list of commonly known Trojans and the ports they use by
default. So if you find these ports open then get a good virus buster and get these stupid
servers of the Trojans kicked out. Well if you want to play with these Trojan by keeping
them in your computer but not letting them ruin your system performance then just
disble it from the system registry run and they wont be loaded to memory each time
when windows starts up[This trick doesn’t work for all Trojans].
Netbus :: 12345(TCP)
Subseven :: 27374(TCP)
Girl Friend :: 21554(TCP)
Back Oriface :: 31337 (UDP)
Well guys and gals I hope you are now well familiar with the term IP and what is the
utility of IP in cyber world and how to get the IP of a remote system to which you are
connected. I hope you find my writings very easy to undertstand. I know I lack the
capacity of explaining myself but I try my level best to make things very easy and clear
for you’ll.
How to get the IP of a remote system while chatting through msn messenger ::
This is a tutorial on how to get IP address from MSN messenger. This is actually
a really easy thing to do. It is not like going through the hard time and reversing
MSN messenger like many people think.
The IP address is only given when you accept or are sending a file through MSN
messenger. When you send IM's, the message is sent through the server thus hiding
your victims IP and your. But when you send a file or recieve a file, it is direct
connection between the two computers.
To obtain the IP accept a file transfer or send a file to the victim, when the file
sending is under way from the dos prompt type "netstat" without the quotation marks.
You should get a table like this:
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
The top name in the list is the server's address for IMing. There could be many of
the second name in the list, as a new connection is made to the server for every
room you are IMing to. You are looking for the address of the remote host in
this table it may be something similar to "" or
without the quotation marks.
All you need to do now is to put this address in you IP lookup programe and get the IP of
the remote system.
Well 50%of the work is done now. Now you know how to get the IP of a remote
system, so its time to trace it down and find some details about the IP.
Tracing an IP is quite simple. You can do it the easy way by using some sweet softwares
like Visual Trace 6.0b
or by our way ie. Using MS DOS or any other version of DOS.
Well I suggest you to use DOS and its tracert tool for tracing the IP cause using it will
give you a clear conception about the art of tracing an IP and I guarantee that you will
feel much satisfied on success than using a silly software. Furthur you will know how
things work and how the IP is traced down and the different networks associated in this
tracing process.
Let us take a look at tracert tool provided for DOS by Microsoft.
It is a very handy tool for peoples need to trace down an IP.
Just open any DOS windows and type tracert.
Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name
-d Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.
-h maximum_hops Maximum number of hops to search for target.
-j host-list Loose source route along host-list.
-w timeout Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.
You will now see a description of the tracert command and the switches associated with
Well these switches doesn’t makes much difference. All you can do is to increase the
timeout in milliseconds by using –w switch if you are using a slow connection and the –d
switch if you wish not resolve address to hostnames by default.
By default tracert performs a maximum of 30 hops trace. Using the –h switch you can
specify the number of hops to perform.
Now its time for execution.
Let us trace down the IP []
TIP: If you have done a long research (I mean a lot) then simply looking at the IP you
can figure out some info from it. For example the IP indicates that the
system is in India. In India IPs generally begin with 203 and 202
Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 308 ms 142 ms 127 ms
2 140 ms 135 ms *
3 213 ms 134 ms 132 ms
4 134 ms 130 ms 129 ms
5 122 ms 135 ms 131 ms
6 141 ms 137 ms 121 ms
7 143 ms 170 ms 154 ms []
8 565 ms 589 ms 568 ms []
9 596 ms 584 ms 600 ms []
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 703 ms 701 ms 719 ms []
12 694 ms 683 ms 681 ms []
13 656 ms 677 ms 700 ms []
14 667 ms 673 ms 673 ms []
15 653 ms 673 ms 673 ms []
16 666 ms 676 ms 674 ms []
Trace complete.
Note: Here I have traced In place of you can give the IP of yahoo
or any other IP you want to trace, the result will be the same.
Now carefully looking at the results you can figure out many information about yahoo’s
server []
First packets of data leave my ISP which is at .Similarly you can find out the
different routers through which the packets of data are send and received to and from
the target system. Now take a look at the 13th line you’ll see that the router is in from this you can easily figure out that the router is in Palo Alto. Now
finally look at the target system ie. Yahoo’s server . Now you got the
address of yahoo’s server. Now put this address in any IP lookup programe and perform
and reverse DNS lookup and you will get most of the info about this address,like the
place where it is in.
Well another thing you can find out using the tracert tool is that the number of hops
(routers) the target system is away from you. In case of tracerouting we find
that the target system ie yahoo’s server is 16 hops away from my system. This indicates
that there are 16 routers between my system and yahoo’s server.
Apart from tracing an IP you can find out many usefull details about the target system
using the tracert tool.
Firewall Detection
While tracerouting a target system, if you get * as an output then it indicates timeout
error. Now if you peform another tracerout to the same taeget system at some other
time with a good connection and in this way few times more and if you always get * as
the output then take it for sure that the target system is running a firewall which
prevents sending of data packets from the target system.
Some days ago I tried to tracert hotmail’s server in plain and simple way using tracert
without any trick.This is what I found out :
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 * * * Request timed out.
2 161 ms 147 ms 85 ms
3 126 ms 261 ms 219 ms
4 121 ms 115 ms 228 ms []
5 727 ms 725 ms 711 ms []
6 1006 ms 794 ms 952 ms []
7 826 ms 731 ms 819 ms
8 885 ms 744 ms 930 ms
9 851 ms 1020 ms 1080 ms
10 1448 ms 765 ms 1114 ms []
11 748 ms 789 ms 750 ms []
12 719 ms 733 ms 846 ms []
13 775 ms 890 ms 829 ms
14 853 ms 852 ms 823 ms []
15 889 ms 816 ms 803 ms []
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
Trace complete.
I performed the same tracert many times a day but concluded with the same result. This
indicates that the systems after the router has firewalls installed
which prevents the outgoing of data packets.
Detecting Traceroute Attempts on your System
You can detect that an attacker is performing a traceroute on your system, if you see the
following symptoms:
1. If you observe port scans on very high UDP ports. This symptom means that
the attacker has performed a traceroute on your system. However, it could also mean
a simply port scan. Either way, it signifies the fact that your system is being scanned.
2. If the packet-monitoring tool installed in your network, picks up several
outgoing TTL-exceeding messages, then it is yet another sign that someone is doing
a traceroute on your system.
3. If in these log files, you also observer an outgoing ICMP port unreachable error
message, then it means that since a traceroute was done on your system and as the
target system i.e. your system, was reached, it responded with this error message.
You can also find our more information on the attacker (if he performs a traceroute on
your system) by simply studying the sniffer log files. If you observer the TTL values,
then we can easily figure out the following information on the attacker by making use of
OS detection techniques discussed earlier in this white paper:
1. The Operating System running on the attacker’s target system.
2. Number of hops away, the attacker is from you.
OKI DOKI that’s all for this article. Hope you will find this article very easy to understand
and implement.