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Monday 21 March 2011

Mematikan autoplay,auto run dan fungsi copy paste

Trik sederhana untuk menghindari penyebaran virus melalui media removeable storage (flash disk).langkah sederhana yang lumrah dan digunakan sebagaian orang dalam melakukan proteksi OS-nya adalah dengan mematikan fungsi autoplay,autorun dan fungsi copy paste adapun caranya adalah :
1.Matikan fungsi “Autorun dan Autoplay”.

Cara mematikan autorun dan autoplay yang saya tahu dapat dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan REGEDIT untuk autorun.
Dan menggunakan GPEDIT untuk Autoplay.
Fungsi kedua opsi ini sama namun cara aktifasinya berbeda.
a.Melalui regedit.
Buka regedit melalui: Klik start > Run > tuliskan “regedit” pada box > klik ok.
Ikuti string berikut :
Klik ganda NoDriveTypeAutoRun dan masukkan angka 95 pada Value Data.(defaultnya 91)
b.Melalui gpedit.
Buka gpedit melalui: Klik start > Run > tuliskan “gpedit.msc” pada box > klik ok.
Ikuti string berikut ini :
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System
Klik double Turn Off Autoplay dan klik enabled.

2.Aktifkan fungsi disbled Copy Paste melalui USB.
Aktifkan fungsi copy paste USB jika diperlukan saja. Konfigurasi ini dapat dilakukan melalui regedit dengan menggunakan string berikut ini.
a.Klik Start > Run > tuliskan “regedit” > klik ok.
Klik HKEY_LOCALMACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control
b.Klik kanan pada Control pilih New>Key, beri nama “StorageDevicePolicies“.
c.Klik kanan pada StorageDevicePolicies, pilih New > DWord Value beri nama “WriteProtect“.
d.Klik double pada WriteProtect tersebut, dan ganti value datanya menjadi 1.
e. Kemudian Restart Komputer/Laptop Anda.
Jika berhasil, setiap kali mengcopy paste file, maka akan muncul komentar : Error Copying File or Folder.
Jika ingin mengembalikan ke kondisi semula, ganti value datanya menjadi 0.


ingin membuat blog/website Anda banyak dikunjungi orang

Jika Anda ingin membuat blog/website Anda banyak dikunjungi orang, maka isilah dengan topik yang menarik atau topik yang paling banyak dicari orang. Topik yang sedang populer saat ini sebanding dengan jumlah kata kunci/keywords yang dimasukkan dalam search engine. Bagaimana cara mengetahui kunci/keywords yang paling populer saat ini

Google menyediakan tool Google Keyword Tool External dan Google Trends untuk mengetahui keyword apa yang paling banyak dicari orang saat ini.

Google Keyword Tool External

Fasilitas ini sebenarnya digunakan untuk mencari keyword yang paling efektif dalam Google Adwords, yaitu program di mana kita bisa memasang iklan di halaman hasil pencarian Google atau di Google Adsense. Namun tool ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencari keywords yang populer dan keyword-keyword lain yang berhubungan. Silakan klik di sini untuk membuka Google Keyword Tool External. Akan muncul halaman seperti di bawah ini.

google keyword tool external

Dari gambar di atas terlihat bahwa keyword laptop battery sangat populer (lihat bar hijau pada bagian Search Volume), dan google menyarankan keyword yang berhubungan dengan laptop battery adalah sony laptop battery, notebook batterries, dan sebagainya. Informasi ini berguna jika Anda memilki sebuah toko yang menjual laptop atau notebook dan memiliki sebuah web / toko online:

  • Keyword laptop battery sangat populer, masukkan keyword ini dalam web/blog Anda

  • Selain menggunakan keyword/kata kunci laptop battery, sebaiknya juga menggunakan kata kunci notebook battery dan kata kunci lain yang populer.

  • Merek tertentu (misalnya Sony) lebih populer daripada merek lain (misalnya Fujitsu).

Dalam keyword tool ini, kita juga bisa mengatur setting dari bahasa dan negara mana. Iseng-iseng, penulis memasukkan keyword “cewek” dengan setting pengunjung google dari Indonesia, maka inilah daftar keyword yang paling banyak dicari orang (top keywords) yang berhubungan dengan cewek:

  • artis bugil

  • foto artis

  • cewek bugil

  • cewek seksi

  • dan sebagainya

Apakah ini berarti orang Indonesia berpikiran kotor? Suka hal-hal yang berbau pornografi? Terserah Anda menafsirkan data di atas :)

Google Trends

Tool yang kedua untuk mengetahui top keywords atau kata kunci yang paling banyak dicari orang adalah Google Trends . Silakan buka google trend, maka akan muncul jendela pencarian dan daftar 10 kata kunci yang pupuler hari ini (berlaku di USA).

Anda juga bisa klik di sini: More Hot Trend untuk melihat 100 buah kata kunci (keywords) yang paling populer hari ini. Anda juga bisa mengganti tanggal dengan tanggal kemarin atau waktu-waktu yang lain.

Di bagian atas halaman ada box yang digunakan untuk memasukkan keyword. Misalnya kita masukkan kata berikut: AMD, intel maka akan muncul grafik seperti ini.

Google trends untuk mencari keyword populer

Keterangan gambar

  1. Kata kunci yang dimasukkan bisa 1 atau lebih dari satu

  2. Grafik jumlah orang yang mencari kata kunci tersebut di google (dalam contoh ini, intel – garis merah, dan amd = garis biru)

  3. Jumlah berita sehubungan kata kunci

  4. Titik di mana berita dipublikasi (misalnya pada titik A, harga stock Intel turun)

  5. Daftar berita.

Dengan melihat gambar di atas dapat disimpulkan:

  • Intel lebih populer daripada AMD

  • Di akhir tahun 2005, pencarian kata kunci Intel meningkat, namun di awal tahun 2008 ini mengalami penurunan.

Anda juga bisa mengeset agar Google Trends menampilkan data pengunjung google dari negara mana dan tahun berapa.

Beberapa hal yang dicoba penulis:

Apakah orang Indonesia masih suka akan sesuatu yang GRATIS atau FREE ? (Misalnya software gratis, internet gratis, seks gratis, free sex)

Jawabannya adalah YA, ada kecenderungan kenaikan minat terhadap sesuatu yang gratis oleh pengunjung google dari Indonesia. Silakan buka link berikut ini (copy paste di browser Anda & enter) untuk melihat buktinya:

Apakah pengunjung Google di dunia masih suka sesuatu yang FREE ?

Jawabannya adalah YA, namun terjadi penurunan yang signifikan dari tahun 2004-2008. Lihak grafik di:

Pengguna google dari Indonesia yang suka seks cenderung meningkat atau menurun ?

Jawabannya adalah MENINGKAT. Dari tahun ke tahun, jumlah orang dari Indonesia yang memasukkan kata kunci sex di google selalu meningkat. Lihat grafik di:

Bagaimana? Apakah Anda ingin mencoba tool gratis yang disediakan google ini?

Selamat mencoba!

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Tips SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

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Monday 28 June 2010

Ourself discipline will Increase our Productivity

Self-discipline is important for time management. Without self-discipline, how can you expect to be motivated, enthusiastic, and independent?
You know that you need self-discipline, but how do you train yourself to be more discipline so you can get things done?
Self-discipline need to training and be your habbit.Training self-discipline is the same as training your muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it gets. And should I remind you, that everyone can do this? I guess not.

To train self-discipline, you need to set yourself to a task.

You should know what you should do, and then just do it. You need to set basic schedule, or framework, of what needs to be completed within a specific period of time. You should be hard on yourself, by not letting yourself procrastinate or do nothing.

When you are trying to be more discipline, try from smaller things first. After you've got used to do small things with discipline, you can then raise the bar to do bigger and more complicated things.

On the other hand, don't be too hard on yourself. Being hard may increase your productivity, but being too hard or too rigid will lessen it. You will even get frustrated or stressed when you do this.

Therefore, you should allow yourself to have some fun or relaxed times during your workday, and let yourself make mistakes as well. Making mistakes are normal.

To train self-discipline, you should also admit your responsibility. You should also not allow yourself being sidetracked by time-wasting distractions and activities. Yes, you do need some break during your workday, but don't let it lead you off-track.

When you have developed the habit of self-discipline, accomplishing tasks will be easier. Your productivity will increase, and help you to move that much closer to success.

Sunday 27 June 2010

2 basic Law of chemistry

Conservation of mass law and law of definite proportions

Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794)
Conservation of mass law

"mass of a closed system (in the sense of a completely isolated system) will remain constant over time"

Antoine Lavoisier , French chemist,Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was born on August 26, 1743, in Paris.
Lavoisier's experiments were among the first truly quantitative chemical experiments ever performed. He showed that, although matter changes its state in a chemical reaction, the quantity of matter is the same at the end as at the beginning of every chemical reaction. These experiments provided evidence for the law of the conservation of matter. Lavoisier also investigated the composition of water, and he named the components of water oxygen and hydrogen.

Joseph Proust (1754-1826)
law of definite proportions
"chemical compound consists of elements by comparison mass which is always exactly the same"

French chemist. Joseph Louis Proust was born in Angers and educated in Paris. He is best known for establishing the chemical law of definite proportions, sometimes called Proust's law, which states that the elements in a compound are all present in a fixed proportion by weight, regardless of how the compound is prepared.

Proust studied copper carbonate, the two tin oxides, and the two iron sulfides to prove this law. He did this by making artificial copper carbonate and comparing it to natural copper carbonate. With this he showed that each had the same proportion of weights between the three elements involved (Cu, C, O). Between the two types of the other compounds, Proust showed that no intermediate indeterminate compounds exist between them

Thursday 17 June 2010

Speed Up Your Network and Internet Access for Windows Xp

My connection is a wifi and it improve my speeds about 25% in surfing the internet. give it a try. only do it if you feel comfortable with changing registry.
In default your Windows XP on the quiet has applied bandwidth equal to 20% for update download windows. The bandwidth is better if
we eliminate is just if felt not necessarily to update it is automatically, alternatively we can update our windows in manual when we require newest update, causing 20% quota we can apply to be more increases speed up your internet conectivity.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start->Run->type gpeditmsc. Once the Windows Policy Editor has loaded.

2. Then steps into : Local Computer Policy–>Computer Configuration–>Administrative Templates–>Network–>QOS Packet Schedule.

3. Then in right appearance selected “ Limit Reservable Bandwidth”, there is written “ Note Configured” -> double click ( there is new appearance, “ Limit reservable bandwidth Properties”).

4. If we like to knew its(the description open in part “ Explain”. There is written description of windows in default applies 20% our bandwidth.

5. Returns to “ Setting” and select;chooses “ Enabled” then changed 20 % to become 0%. Click Ok.

additional way:

Increasing network browsing speed

Maybe your computer slow down when you browse your local area network and connect to other computers that are sharing data? One of the most common causes of this slowdown is a feature of Windows Explorer that looks for scheduled tasks on remote computers. This effort can take some time on some computers and can really slow down your browsing. The window with which you are browsing the network may appear to freeze momentarily, as the system is waiting for a response from the remote computer.

Windows XP: Speeding Disk Access

Although this problem is a complex one, the solution is very simple. Instead of having to wait for the remote scheduled tasks, which is useless information to anyone who is not a system administrator remotely configuring scheduled tasks, you can disable this feature.

In order to do this, you will have to change the System Registry and delete a reference to a key so that this feature will not be loaded. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open up the Registry Editor by clicking the Start Menu and selecting Run. Then type regedit in the text box and click the OK button.

2. Once the Registry Editor has loaded, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key.

3. Next, expand Software and then Microsoft.

4. Locate Windows and expand that as well.

5. You will want to be editing the main system files, so expand CurrentVersion.

6. Because this feature is a feature of the Windows component known as Explorer, expand the Explorer key.

7. Next, you will want to modify the remote computer settings, so expand the RemoteComputer key and then expand the NameSpace key to show all of the features that are enabled when you browse to a remote computer.

8. In the NameSpace folder you will find two entries. One is "{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}" which tells Explorer to show printers shared on the remote machine. The other, "{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}," tells Explorer to show remote scheduled tasks. This is the one that you should delete. This can be done by right-clicking the name of the key and selecting Delete.

If you have no use for viewing remote shared printers and are really only interested in shared files, consider deleting the printers key, "{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}", as well. This will also boost your browsing speed.

Once you have deleted the key, you just need to restart and the changes will be in effect. Now your network computer browsing will be without needless delays.