Each time you drop a card you get credits. Each time someone drops their card on your site you get credits. You also get credits for sites that want to advertise on your blog. You can then use your credits to advertise on some one else's blog. It's a great way to publicize your blog without having to pay anything.
There are no referral bonuses or anything like that, I'm not getting paid to mention Entrecard.com. I am just writing this post to help other bloggers like myself get some exposure for their blogs and boost their traffic. It's a win win situation for everyone involved so check it out, spread the love, and keep the cards flowing (or dropping).
Are you looking to increase your blog traffic? I found this great site where I can network and advertise my blog for free. It's called Entrecard.com and it's really addicting. increase traffic with entrecardBasically it's like giving your business card to someone in the hopes that they will visit your site or do "business" with you. The more cards you drop, the more your site will get exposure. And other people will do the same to you. Dropping their cards to you in the hopes that you will visit their site.
Each time you drop a card you get credits. Each time someone drops their card on your site you get credits. You also get credits for sites that want to advertise on your blog. You can then use your credits to advertise on some one else's blog. It's a great way to publicize your blog without having to pay anything.
There are no referral bonuses or anything like that, I'm not getting paid to mention Entrecard.com. I am just writing this post to help other bloggers like myself get some exposure for their blogs and boost their traffic. It's a win win situation for everyone involved so check it out, spread the love, and keep the cards flowing (or dropping).
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