This article i take from http://ezinearticles.com/,very good to reading...enjoy it...original article is:"5 Little Known Ways to Improve Your Grades"
Maybe generally people having trouble getting the grades we want or need, Does it seem like no matter how hard you study, you just can't get a break? Well, maybe it's not how long or how hard you study, but the way you study. The way you study is more important than how hard you study. So if your grades aren't the grades you want, you need to change the way you study.
Here are 5 things you can do now.
1. Learn to take notes
Most students think they know how to take notes, but in reality they don't. Students think they have to write every word or phrase that leaves the teachers mouth, but that's just not true. You have to become discerning about the information being presented. When a teacher tells a story, you can usually leave that out of your notes. What you need to gather are the main points, new terms and important people.
2. Rewrite your notes
As soon as it is possible, you need to sit down and rewrite your notes. The best way to do this is to get a journal and write your notes as a story or lecture. This will make it easier to re-read when studying for your test.
3. Teach your notes
One of the best ways to make sure you remember the information for your test is to teach the lesson yourself. It doesn't matter if you speak to a group of friends or to your stuffed animals as long as you do it. This is a guaranteed method for retaining information.
4. Develop the notebook habit
You're probably thinking, "What is the notebook habit?"
The notebook habit is the habit of keeping an organized notebook for your studies. You need a large three-ringed notebook, pocket dividers, page dividers and notebook paper. Now set up your notebook with a section for each subject separated by pocket dividers and inside each subject section use page dividers to separate the information such as notes, quizzes, test, etc.
Use this notebook for every class to keep your syllabus, notes, homework, labs and assignments organized. Make it habit to keep it organized and clean.
5. Make flashcards from your notes
Probably the most overlooked, yet most effective method for improving grades is to prepare flashcards. As low tech as it is, using flashcards is very effective. That is if you know haw to prepare and use them.
3x5 cards make the best flashcards. You can put quite a bit of information on one and they are still easy to carry with you. However don't over load the card with information, put one idea or term per card and if appropriate the correct answer on the back. Don't overlook the usefulness of flashcards in helping you become a better student.
None of the above steps will help you get better grades unless you change your habits and take action. So, go get a notebook, or start writing a journal or make some flashcards. If you would like to more I invite you to MrCauseyTutors.com
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